Reports Players (Have not been viewed by staff yet)
Offender | Reporter | Reason | Total Reports | Reported On | Last Touched By |
Reported Players(Punishment Given/Completed):
Offender | Reporter | Reason | Total Reports | Reported On | Last Touched By |
ViliamMek | XPenney | spamming the chat. | 8 | 2015-04-22 10:58:07 | |
jonte540 | [OinkOink]Pignuggets | being a massive bellend | 3 | 2015-04-20 19:16:10 | |
jonte540 | [OuTCasTs]Godlik3 | fucking everybody :P bad language n asking for ban | 3 | 2015-04-20 19:16:13 | |
jonte540 | [OuTCasTs][iii]cococonor97 | insulting | 3 | 2015-04-20 19:16:18 | |
badasscrafter | [FantastiCox][ii]IlCapoBastone | insults | 8 | 2015-04-20 16:15:33 | |
IlCapoBastone | [OuTCasTs]Godlik3 | stopp u died in pvp get over it stop raging | 14 | 2015-04-20 03:03:40 | |
IlCapoBastone | [Kingdom]Doom | Insulting And Being Disrespectful | 14 | 2015-04-20 03:03:48 | |
raging | [OuTCasTs]Godlik3 | IlCapoBastone stopp u died get over it | 1 | 2015-04-20 03:03:57 | |
ilcapobastone | [iii]Maffow | insulting me | 14 | 2015-04-20 03:04:15 | |
990 | BumBumz | crazy hacker | 2 | 2015-04-19 14:15:25 |
Reported Players(Investigating):
Offender | Reporter | Reason | Total Reports | Reported On | Last Touched By |
Reported Players(Ignored/False/Non-RuleBreaking):
Offender | Reporter | Reason | Total Reports | Reported On | Last Touched By |
flox | zachboy1234 | he killed me | 31 | 2014-08-03 08:19:50 | |
fnordcrayfish | zachboy1234 | grifeing our house | 4 | 2014-08-03 08:19:48 | |
maffow | zachboy1234 | killing us telling us to give our diamonds to them keep breaking in our house | 61 | 2014-08-03 08:19:41 | |
Fnordcrayfish22 | MeteorMoose | i dont do anything and he report me | 29 | 2014-08-03 08:18:06 | |
Maffow | NeOCONSOLE | swear | 61 | 2014-08-02 07:30:43 | |
Maffow | MeteorMoose | dont belive and swear | 61 | 2014-08-03 08:17:25 | |
balbasour | zachboy1234 | being a ass | 18 | 2014-08-03 08:17:03 | |
craftstones | flox | kill me | 2 | 2014-08-03 08:17:00 | |
2K2Aron | iRaphahell | tacui | 18 | 2014-08-03 08:16:55 | |
cayle200 | flox | for kill | 8 | 2014-08-03 08:15:47 |
RED = Ignored/False Reports
GREEN = Actions will or has been taken.
ORANGE = Under investigation.