Reports Players (Have not been viewed by staff yet)

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By

Reported Players(Punishment Given/Completed):

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By
CoolZockerAlsonFoongclaimed to be flyin? idk. ain't witnessing it... 12016-03-21 23:03:57NeO_RealJay
Stinkos_[WhiteBird]DJLadybugFly hack 12016-02-17 00:21:47NeO_RealJay
sliceman[FFW]pajoslavfly 52016-03-16 05:46:16Maccatackz
slicemanha2Fly 52016-03-15 20:16:51Maccatackz
sliceman[FFW]HinarFly 52016-03-15 20:16:51Maccatackz
sliceman[FFW]MatijaHDflying 52016-03-15 20:16:51Maccatackz
mushroom[BMW][iii]mladenjrspam, have 3 printscreens 12016-03-18 01:03:00NeO_RealJay
bachircrossfirereason hacker 22016-03-10 14:06:06NeO_RealJay
hareeAlsonFoongtypical pinoy cursting at random players... 12016-02-15 05:46:26Maccatackz
gio057[Antzo]Bhargavhe is speaking bad language 32016-02-07 23:06:11NeO_RealJay
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Reported Players(Investigating):

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By

Reported Players(Ignored/False/Non-RuleBreaking):

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By
IlCapoBastoneTaeTaeKiller 142015-03-25 13:08:20
IlCapoBastoneAo_SeinshinPK players for no reason 142015-03-25 13:08:09
giovanniGodlik3tp scammer 12015-03-25 13:07:21
bluecreeperminecraft_kierxd hahahahah 22015-03-24 11:04:53
ren36[Dimd.Leg]ren36helping people :) 52015-03-24 11:04:41
DJCastle612[Dimd.Leg]DiamondCr33perMCimposter 162015-03-23 19:25:39
Vegettagaymer777[Dragon]amam7tpa 12015-03-25 13:07:10
ilcapobastone[Dimd.Leg]TheMarcellusfor stealing my beacon and iron blocks inside a lcaimed place 142015-03-25 13:08:55
Fnordcrayfish22IlCapoBastoneWell, just incorrect. Worst admin ever. 292015-03-19 04:11:43
Fnordcrayfish22mccrafters89keeps picking on me and took my stuff 292015-03-17 23:23:55
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RED = Ignored/False Reports
GREEN = Actions will or has been taken.
ORANGE = Under investigation.