Reports Players (Have not been viewed by staff yet)

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By

Reported Players(Punishment Given/Completed):

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By
aaronsoo10[Goldens]HungerHades993HE HACKED SOMEONE ELSE ID AND HE SAID FUCK UR MOTHER TO ENJY! 32016-09-18 17:30:18SeniorWizard
aaronsoo10[Goldens]enjyhe is insulting other players 32016-09-18 17:30:24SeniorWizard
aaronsoo10[Goldens]amrfor insulting players 32016-09-18 17:30:29SeniorWizard
srbia[Goldens]enjyis not respect other players and insult players 32016-09-18 17:32:28SeniorWizard
karim[Rebels]CudDlypOonhe is a hacker he broke blocks without even getting trusted in ma claim and he flew 12016-10-19 14:36:40NeO_RealJay
jmx[BMW][i]mladenjrconstant insulting other players 12016-09-19 14:16:10NeO_RealJay
sha4an[DarkSide][i]Akitaalt account money abuse 92016-10-19 14:36:40NeO_RealJay
Corinne15000[Goldens]enjytalking dirty 12016-09-19 14:13:02NeO_RealJay
mplolsam2he have hacks ueses to repeat enjy's words on chat 62016-09-19 14:01:36NeO_RealJay
mplol[Goldens]TheNewCODOpsIIIbullying 62016-09-19 14:00:09NeO_RealJay
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Reported Players(Investigating):

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By

Reported Players(Ignored/False/Non-RuleBreaking):

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By
ronna[Antzo]baxousing people account and test if theres no password he use FeydMurphyGaming and Cheyhu 12015-11-16 08:29:13warrior4894
ben45ulquiorrafriendly pvp don't want to give diamond sword back. 112015-11-15 21:17:23NeO_RealJay
ben45baxotaking people diamond sword 112015-11-15 21:17:19NeO_RealJay
Fnordcrayfish22airon21435hacking 292015-12-14 21:09:23NeO_RealJay
eduard5970Snarlz23spam 12015-11-09 10:42:37warrior4894
everyoneSnarlz23not replying 22015-11-07 22:24:12warrior4894
BloodyWolffflouissukeBloodyWolfff 102015-11-07 05:27:29warrior4894
karmun[1ManArmy]BloodyWolffffor repetitive name calling, stupid, f*, idiot 12015-11-07 11:06:46warrior4894
xXSkiLLeXtreMeZz[SS]Migli14Reasin 12015-11-07 05:27:32warrior4894
bloodywolfffmr_diamondfor insulting me 102015-11-05 05:27:26warrior4894
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RED = Ignored/False Reports
GREEN = Actions will or has been taken.
ORANGE = Under investigation.