Reports Players (Have not been viewed by staff yet)

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By

Reported Players(Punishment Given/Completed):

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By
RedWalrus98[Communists][ii]MattyTheGeekHesitated to log into admin account after asking who the owner was. I have the screenshots if needed. 12017-07-31 11:18:03myrvalco
bato_narotu[BMW]ashlee20HES HACING HE TO BUT HE WASNT HERE! 22017-08-29 12:12:14myrvalco
bato_narotu[rainbow]jadetdmhacking 22017-08-29 12:12:14myrvalco
callumhall111[EMPIRE][i]SwagBoyhacking 12017-08-29 12:12:14myrvalco
jadetdm[EMPIRE][i]SwagBoyspamming 52017-07-30 12:05:49myrvalco
HitlerLP[FatBear]BlueFlameMasteroffensive name 32017-07-25 23:38:18NeO_RealJay
xhozef[Communists]Gogo927flooding 12017-07-25 16:56:29myrvalco
asdfqwwer76[Communists]Gogo927spambot 12017-07-25 16:44:55myrvalco
XxGamerSpeedxX[FatBear]BlueFlameMasterspamming insults like literally 12017-07-14 11:19:47myrvalco
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH[FatBear]BlueFlameMasterspamming even though he's been told not to 12017-07-14 11:18:21myrvalco
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Reported Players(Investigating):

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By

Reported Players(Ignored/False/Non-RuleBreaking):

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By
banana_errorsubwaybecause she love me ;} 12018-03-21 17:57:38kangopt
trunks[Zer0Squad]TomerH260spamming tpa for getting stuff 12018-03-18 12:25:37kangopt
kaitlynlove44richkill with lava 12018-03-03 14:17:17myrvalco
Pacman21[Goldens][iii]enjyinsulting players 12018-02-19 18:01:26myrvalco
Tybal[Goldens][iii]enjyinsulting players 12018-02-19 18:01:21myrvalco
xtremezer0[Dragon]lois_ntabeing disrespectful to me, hoped i would be played because i'm a girl, admitted it in chat its just because its me 22018-03-09 16:41:51myrvalco
novagaminYT[Dragon]novagaminYTim so stupid 12018-02-07 08:05:25myrvalco
flower[Dragon]novagaminYTtp trapping he took all my stuff 12018-02-06 09:38:07myrvalco
sweetTex[Zer0Squad]novagaminYThe took all of my stuff 12018-02-01 16:38:08myrvalco
enjynovagaminYTmean 162018-01-06 10:47:51kangopt
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RED = Ignored/False Reports
GREEN = Actions will or has been taken.
ORANGE = Under investigation.