Reports Players (Have not been viewed by staff yet)

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By

Reported Players(Punishment Given/Completed):

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By
Scotty69[Fabulous][iii]Drastoninsulting, racist comments I think 82017-01-22 17:16:18NeO_RealJay
Scotty69[Fabulous][iii]jadetdmspeed hacks 82017-02-21 02:58:41Maccatackz
CnGmr_diamondfor saying im sucks 22017-02-21 17:44:50NeO_RealJay
SnapSpikYT[Fabulous][iii]jadetdmhacking shold not be allowed 12017-02-02 00:02:55warrior4894
enzo[Fabulous][iii]Drastonflying hacks 22017-01-01 17:18:32cococonor97
xX_RennieDude_Xx[Dragon][i]myrvalcokill aura and fly hacks (screen evidence) 12016-12-28 18:19:17cococonor97
aryamehr13[Dragon][i]myrvalcokill aura and fly hacks (screen evidence) 12016-12-28 18:19:12cococonor97
derpgamingytnl_[Goldens][iii]enjyspaming and insulting players and admins 12016-12-21 14:23:26minekraft59
MrSarkasmusGer[BMW]amretake my stuff 22016-12-21 13:52:48minekraft59
jadetdm[Goldens][ii]enjyshe insulted me 52016-12-16 20:20:11NeO_RealJay
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Reported Players(Investigating):

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By

Reported Players(Ignored/False/Non-RuleBreaking):

Offender Reporter Reason Total Reports Reported On Last Touched By
bachiEagle5he say tp and i do it and after that he dropp me from a high place so i die 92016-09-12 23:30:28NeO_RealJay
MrChicken[DIAMONDS]Alex_127he say tp and i do it and he drop me from high place and took all my stuff 92016-09-12 23:26:14NeO_RealJay
petezahuttEagle5he say tp to me and i do it and he drop me from high place pllz help me 52016-09-10 20:35:44NeO_RealJay
antheadley08CudDlypOonfor making a gigantic penis emitting sperm pointing towards my home 12016-09-08 14:52:53NeO_RealJay
petezahutt[Redfoxes]enjyhe is ubuse players 52016-09-14 01:42:40warrior4894
you[BMW]petezahutthave a hacker on the server braking blockks in my claim 12016-09-10 20:35:49NeO_RealJay
Mobanumber1[DarkSide][i]Akitaimpersonate moba 12016-09-14 01:31:51warrior4894
MrChicken[DarkSide][i]Akitahe claimed turcell's house 92016-08-31 10:53:28warrior4894
SLOG[Redfoxes]jackSWEARING 12016-08-31 10:55:08warrior4894
diamonddog[DarkSide][i]Akitakeep making more accounts to abuse money 12016-08-31 11:04:14warrior4894
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RED = Ignored/False Reports
GREEN = Actions will or has been taken.
ORANGE = Under investigation.